Lat. 64 Opto GLADIATOR "Feldberg" Dist. Disc (13,5,0,3.5)

1 In stock
Article code P-28789
Please note that product images may differ slightly from the actual product. Additionally, the shade of disc color may vary. Foil stamp colors are assorted unless otherwise stated. Email us if you would like a photo of a specific disc.
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Speed 13
Glide 5
Turn 0
Fade 3.5

The Gladiator was designed as a high-speed disc with superior glide and distance along with overstability to make it a valuable tool for professional and experienced players. David Feldberg collaborated with the Latitude 64 disc designer, Tomas Ekström, to craft this design. Field tests have confirmed the Gladiator combines the perfect blend of speed, glide and distance with overstability.